Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Place: Your choice – connect online! If there is an interest in meeting in person, we will do a hybrid session so everyone can be present. 

Sara Olson-Smith, the author of our fall studies shares, “The goal of this study is to deepen our understanding of the Holy Spirit’s actions in Scripture and in our lives. … the Spirit has done — and is still doing — amazing things. … We’ll spend time looking at Jesus’ farewell discourse, where he says that the Spirit is a way for Jesus’ truth, teaching and presence to be with us even after his ascension. … Finally, we’ll explore I Corinthians and claim the truth that the Spirit is given to each of us.” What an amazing opportunity to delve in to the Spirit portion of the Trinity! Come with questions. Come with experiences. Come. Be open to the presence of the Spirit in our midst. 

Please contact Paula for the passcode to the class.