Lenten Schedule

Lenten Schedule

Ash Wednesday Services will be held on Wednesday, February 26 at Good Shephard Lutheran Church starting at Noon and in the evening at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.  This will be the beginning of our Noon Midweek Lenten Worship Services that will run every Wednesday from March 4 to April 1. The location will be at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.  

Soup Suppers Soup, Salad, and Volunteers needed! Good Shepherd is hosting Soup Supper Meals on March 18 in the Fellowship Hall.  If you can provide any help with our Soup Supper Meal please add your name to the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Contact Eileen Hunter if you have any questions.

Lent Schedule for 2020

The churches involved:

  • Faith Lutheran Church – FLC
    3315 Martel Dr., Dayton, OH 45420
  • Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church – MFLC
    2841 Dorothy Lane, Dayton, OH 45420
  • Good Shepherd Lutheran Church – GSLC
    901 E Stroop Rd, Kettering, OH 45429

Offering: Loose offering will go to the host congregation each week. Envelopes will be returned to the churches.


February 26
Noon Worship @ GSLC
Ash Wednesday GSLC
Fellowship Meal 6:00 pm
Worship 7:00 pm

March 4
Noon Lenten Worship @ GSLC
Mid Week 1 MFLC
Soup Supper 6:00 pm
Worship 7:00 pm

March 11
Noon Lenten Worship @ GSLC
Mid Week 2 FLC
Fellowship Meal 6:00 pm
Worship 7:00 pm

March 18
Noon Lenten Worship @ GSLC
Mid Week 3 GSLC
Fellowship Meal 6:00 pm
Worship 7:00 pm

May 25
Noon Lenten Worship @ GSLC
Mid Week 4 MFLC
Soup Supper 6:00 pm
Worship 7:00 pm

April 1
Noon Lenten Worship @ GSLC
Mid Week 5 FLC
Fellowship Meal 6:00 pm
Worship 7:00 pm

April 9
Noon Lenten Worship @ GSLC
Maundy Thursday MFLC
Worship 7:00 pm – No Meal

April 10
Noon Lenten Worship @ GSLC
Good Friday FLC
Worship 7:00 pm – No Meal

April 11
Noon Lenten Worship @ GSLC
Easter Vigil GSLC
Worship 7:00 pm – No Meal

Who needs a ride to Lenten Midweek Services?  
Good Shepherd is now offering rides to our Lenten Services.  If you do not like to drive at night, or are not sure where you are going, we have plenty of people who are willing to pick you up at your home and provide transportation to and from our services. If you are interested in riding along with someone, or you know some who would be, please sign up in the Narthex.  You will be contacted soon!  If you are interested in being a volunteer driver, we have a sign-up sheet in the Narthex for you too!