Good Shepherd Is Seeking a New Pastor
The congregation of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Kettering is currently seeking a new pastor after our previous pastor accepted a call to another congregation. This is a time of discernment when members of the congregation are asked to be prayerfully patient, acknowledging God’s love and will for our congregation, and remaining open to the Holy Spirit working through us. During this transition period, Good Shepherd’s ministries are continuing:
- Good Shepherd has been blessed that Pastor Bob Swanson agreed to serve as our Vice Pastor. He leads weekly worship and shares a message based on the Scripture readings for the day; provides spiritual care and Holy Communion to the homebound; officiates at funeral services; and shares his insights at leadership meetings.
- The lay leadership of the congregation is also actively involved in ensuring that our ministries continue.
The Call Process
- The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) is the official first step in calling a pastor. Pastoral candidates use our MSP to get their first glimpse of our congregation’s purpose, ministry priorities, and goals, as well as our pastoral needs. This clear, concise document is a pastoral candidate’s initial invitation to join with us in ministry. The shared input of Good Shepherd members is the foundation of our Ministry Site Profile.
- After review and approval from the Congregation Council, our Ministry Site Profile will be submitted to the Southern Ohio Synod of the ELCA for final review and approval. The Synod offices act as the conduit between congregations and potential pastoral candidates. Candidates are initially interviewed and vetted by a Synod Assistant to the Bishop. After evaluation, the Bishop then recommends candidates to specific congregations.
- Meanwhile, our congregation has established a Call Committee of 6 members. This committee reviews recommended candidates and makes a decision about whether each candidate is a good match to Good Shepherd’s purpose, goals, and needs. The committee performs preliminary investigations and interviews. Favorable candidates are then recommended to the Congregation Council.
- The Congregation Council conducts final interviews, often inviting the candidate to preach and lead worship before a final decision is reached to recommend the candidate to the congregation.
- If the members of Good Shepherd approve of the pastoral candidate with a ⅔ majority, the pastoral candidate is formally called to serve as our congregation’s new pastor.