What to Expect

What to Expect

Wherever you are on this journey of life,
you are welcome here.

You can expect to be welcomed when you come to Good Shepherd. It would be very strange if you aren’t approached by multiple people to greet you, both before and after the service or event.

You can expect to find a community of imperfect people who recognize, that except for the saving grace of Jesus, they would be lost. This community has gathered to hear that good news and to be challenged by its implications for us, both personally and corporately. If you too are imperfect and long to hear of God’s love for you, you will be in the right place.

You can expect to be asked to fill out a goldenrod pew card with your contact information. Whether or not you do so is completely up to you. You will not be singled out in any way.

You can expect to have people approach you and wish you peace during the passing of the peace. In the past, we would also shake hands. For at least the moment, we have stopped this practice. Whether or not we resume it in the future remains to be seen depending on the recommendations of health professionals.

Before the Pandemic, you could expect people to hold hands with the people close to them during the Lord’s Prayer. We have also ceased this practice until health professionals declare it safe again.

You can expect any children you have with you to be invited up to the front of the sanctuary for a children’s message. There is no age limit on who may come up. If your child doesn’t want to come up alone, you are welcome to accompany them.

You can expect your children to be welcome in worship. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Mt. 19:14, NRSV) We have a nice nursery available but whether or not you use it is entirely up to you.

You can expect to be invited to receive communion at every service. You can read more about our communion practices on our FAQ page.

You can expect to feel welcome no matter what you are wearing, what color your skin is, or what your orientation or gender is, we will just be glad that you are here with us. We pray that you would feel welcome and that our time together would be meaningful in your journey of faith.