Financial Support

Financial Support

There are several ways one can support Good Shepherd, whether through direct giving in the offerings during worship, through electronic giving, or through supporting fundraisers. More information is below.

Electronic Giving

If you would like to automatically send Good Shepherd an on-demand gift, a weekly or monthly gift, or if you would like to give a one-time gift for a special occasion, that is now all possible. To do so, simply download the app from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or follow this link: Electronic Giving, and fill in the pertinent information. The company we use for this is endorsed by the ELCA.


We have several low-key fundraisers that help support our youth and outreach ministries.

Gift Cards – If you like to use or give gift cards, you can order them for a large variety of vendors through us. Many people buy gas cards for their children or cards to their favorite restaurants. When you do so, our youth get a percentage back from our wholesaler. The percentage varies by vendor, but can be as high as 18%.
Payment (cash or check) is due when placing your order and they may be turned in to the church office. Orders are placed on Tuesdays and are generally back by Friday. You will be notified when your order is received back.
You may download an order form here.

Craft Fair – We hold a craft fair every spring and fall. We usually have over 30 vendors on display. Admission is free and there are usually over 20 door prizes raffled off. The proceeds from the fair go to support various non-profit agencies in our community.