Our Mission Statement:
Created, Saved and Gifted by God,
We Seek, Serve and Share
Jesus Christ.
We like to say that Good Shepherd is small but mighty! We focus on living out our faith and growing in Christ’s love as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
You will find:
- Opportunities for spiritual development and growth.
- People who care about each other and care about you.
- A place where you can be accepted for who you are.
- Opportunities for sharing your gifts and talents.
- Opportunities for social interaction.
- Traditional and contemporary music.
Founded in 1953 in the heart of Kettering, Ohio, Good Shepherd grew with the suburb. The sanctuary cornerstone was laid ten years later in 1963. The building is easily accessible for worship and fellowship and is clean and inviting.
In this website you will find links to information about what we believe, our Pastor and Staff, frequently asked questions, and what you can expect when visiting Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Take your time going through the different sections and pages of the Website and feel free to contact the church office to help you find anything you are unable to find.
Phone: (937)298-0136
Email: office@goodshepherdkettering.com