Good Shepherd News (Page 23)

Good Shepherd News (Page 23)

Eblast 12/5

Face Masks Love your neighbor as yourself. – Mark 12:31Please wear your mask to keep you and your neighbor safe from the spread of COVID19. Please wear your mask when you are inside the church building. Masks are required for worship at GSLC.  GSLC leadership monitors the health advisories for our area. Under the current conditions, health officials recommend…

First Sunday in Advent

Created, saved and gifted by god, we seek, serve and share Jesus Christ. First Sunday of AdventNovember 28, 2021 – 10:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction Advent is about the “coming days.” God’s people have always lived in great expectation, but that expectation finds specific, repeated…

Eblast 11/28

Face Masks Love your neighbor as yourself. – Mark 12:31Please wear your mask to keep you and your neighbor safe from the spread of COVID19. Please wear your mask when you are inside the church building. Masks are required for worship at GSLC.  GSLC leadership monitors the health advisories for our area. Under the current conditions, health officials recommend…

Christ the King Sunday

Created, saved and gifted by god, we seek, serve and share Jesus Christ. Christ the King SundayNovember 21, 2021 – 10:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction Even after Israel had experienced the vagaries of kings, they still longed for a true king to set things right. He would have the king’s title…

Eblast 11/21

Face Masks Love your neighbor as yourself. – Mark 12:31 Please wear your mask to keep you and your neighbor safe from the spread of COVID19. Please wear your mask when you are inside the church building. Masks are required for worship at GSLC.  GSLC leadership monitors the health advisories for our area. Under the current conditions, health officials recommend…

Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Created, saved and gifted by god, we seek, serve and share Jesus Christ. Twenty-fifth Sunday after PentecostNovember 14, 2021 – 10:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction November begins with All Saints Day and ends in or near Advent, when we anticipate Christ’s coming again. So the readings today…

Eblast 11/14

Face Masks Love your neighbor as yourself. – Mark 12:31Please wear your mask to keep you and your neighbor safe from the spread of COVID19. Please wear your mask when you are inside the church building. Masks are required for worship at GSLC.  GSLC leadership monitors the health advisories for our area. Under the current conditions, health officials recommend…

Eblast 11/7

Fall Back  Daylight saving time will change on Sunday Morning, November 7.  Don’t forget to move your clocks back an hour for Fall. Face Masks Love your neighbor as yourself. – Mark 12:31Please wear your mask to keep you and your neighbor safe from the spread of COVID19. Please wear your mask when you are inside the church building. Masks are…

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Created, saved and gifted by god, we seek, serve and share Jesus Christ. Twenty-fourth Sunday after PentecostNovember 7, 2021 – 10:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction Widows are visible everywhere in today’s readings. Jesus denounces those scribes who pray impressive prayers but devour widows’…

Reformation Sunday

Created, saved and gifted by god, we seek, serve and share Jesus Christ. Reformation SundayOctober 31, 2021 – 10:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction Rooted in the past and growing into the future, the church must always be reformed in order to live out the love of Christ in an ever-changing…