Good Shepherd News (Page 33)

Good Shepherd News (Page 33)

Second Sunday in Christmas

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST. Second Sunday of ChristmasJanuary 3, 202110:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction Within the gospel reading’s profound words lies the simple message that God is revealed in a human person. Though we may try to understand how the…

Eblast 1/3

WORSHIP Online Option to Worship Only  Good Shepherd is going back to worshiping online until further notice.  We will continue to offer online worship on Sundays and our parking lot Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays from Noon – 1:00 pm. Please use the following links below to connect online to the Sunday Church Service:Facebook click here:…

First Sunday in Christmas

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST. First Sunday of ChristmasDecember 27, 202010:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, oh 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction In the psalm all the natural world praises God, including all humanity, male and female, young and old. The voices of Simeon and 84-year-old Anna…

Christmas Eve

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST. Fourth Sunday of AdventDecember 20, 202010:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop roadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Prelude “O Holy Night” by Adolphe Adam | Ed Thieman, tenor O holy night, the stars are brightly shining:It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth;Long lay the…

Eblast 12/27

Annual Poinsettia Project Donations GSLC would like to thank all those who donated to the Annual Poinsettia Project this year.  Please click the link to view the donations in Loving Memory or in Loving Honor of Family and Friends: WORSHIP Online Option to Worship Only  Good Shepherd is…

Fourth Sunday of Advent

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST. Fourth Sunday of AdventDecember 20, 202010:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop roadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction God keeps the promise made to David, to give him an everlasting throne. The angel tells Mary that God will give David’s throne to her son Jesus. She is…

Eblast 12/20

* Online Option to Worship Only Good Shepherd is going back to worshiping online until further notice.  We will continue to offer online worship on Sundays and our parking lot Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays from Noon – 1:00 pm.  Please use the following links below to connect online to the Sunday Church Service:Facebook:…

third Sunday in Advent

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST. Third Sunday of AdventDecember 13, 202010:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction “Rejoice always,” begins the reading from First Thessalonians. Isaiah and the psalmist make clear that God is turning our mourning into laughter and…

Eblast 12/13

Online Option to Worship Only Good Shepherd is going back to worshiping online until further notice.  We will continue to offer online worship on Sundays and our parking lot Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays from Noon – 1:00 pm.  Please use the following links below to connect online to the Sunday Church Service:Facebook:…

Second Sunday in Advent

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST. Second Sunday of AdventDecember 6, 202010:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction John called people to repent, to clear the decks, to completely reorder their lives so that nothing would get in the way of the Lord’s coming. The…