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Second Sunday in Lent

Created, saved and gifted by God, we seek, serve and share Jesus Christ. Second Sunday in LentMarch 13, 2022 – 10:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction Though we sometimes doubt and often resist God’s desire to protect and save us, our God persists. In holy baptism, God’s people have been called…

Christmas Eve 2021

Created, saved and gifted by God, we seek, serve and share Jesus Christ. Nativity of our LordDecember 24, 2021 – 4:00 pm Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction In winter’s deepest night, we welcome the light of the Christ child. Isaiah declares that the light of the long-promised king will illumine the…

Eblast 9/26

Face Masks  Love your neighbor as yourself. – Mark 12:31Please wear your mask to keep you and your neighbor safe from the spread of COVID19. Please wear your mask when you are inside the church building. Masks are required for worship at GSLC.  GSLC leadership monitors the health advisories for our area. Under the current conditions, health officials…

Eblast 4/25

WORSHIP In-person Worship!  Good Shepherd is continuing to meet for in-person worship on Sundays at 10:30 am.  Please come and fellowship with us, we are looking forward to seeing more familiar faces! Worship With Us Online!  Good Shepherd will continue to offer online worship on Sundays and our parking lot Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays from…

Second Sunday in Advent

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST. Second Sunday of AdventDecember 6, 202010:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction John called people to repent, to clear the decks, to completely reorder their lives so that nothing would get in the way of the Lord’s coming. The…

24th Sunday after Pentecost

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST. Twenty-Fourth Sunday after PentecostNovember 15, 202010:30 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 Introduction Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the Lord will be filled with wrath and…

11 Sunday after Pentecost Bulletin

CREATED, SAVED AND GIFTED BY GOD, WE SEEK, SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost August 16, 2020 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church901 East Stroop RoadKettering, OH 45429-4688(937) 298-0136 IntroductionIn Isaiah we hear that God’s house shall be a house of prayer for all people and that God will gather the outcasts of Israel. The Canaanite woman in…

E-Blast 7/5

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will continue doing a video of our church service. At this time, the 4:00 pm Saturday service will be recorded and available for participating in worship on Sunday at 10:30 am. Come and enjoy GSLC’s service online.  Please use the following links below to connect to the Saturday Church Service: Facebook:…

E_Blast 6/28

* We Are Reopening! More information will be available on the website and in a special eblast on Monday, June 29th with all the details of expectations and protocols set in place for us to open GSLC.  The building will open July 1 and worship will begin Saturday, July 4th @ 4:00 pm & Sunday, July 5th @ 10:30 am. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will be doing a video of…

E_Blast 3/8

Daylight SavingsTime Don’t forget to move (spring) your clocks forward Saturday night.  Daylight Savings time is on Sunday, March 8. Southern Ohio SynodBecause we care… The Ohio Department of Health recommends the following precautions/protocols for the Coronavirus. Please download a PDF of these precautions in the attachment. There are no confirmed cases of…