A PDF of the bulletin insert can be found here
Worship With Us Online!
Join us now in worship online!
Connect with us on Sundays for an encouraging Word from God and a time of worship. Are you ready to worship together?
Please use the following links below to connect online to the Sunday Church Service:
Facebook click here: Facebook
YouTube click here: Youtube
NEW: LAST WEEK’S SERMON You can read and watch last week’s sermon here
Lenten Midweek Services – Wednesdays at 7:00pm: March 12 – April 9.Good Shepherd will host Lenten midweek services with Faith Lutheran Church beginning at 7:00 PM in our Fellowship Hall. Each week we will view a new segment of the 5-part video series, “In the Dust of the Rabbi,” and hear a variety of stories about how Jesus taught his disciples. The series was filmed entirely in the Holy Land. Each video segment lasts approximately 20-25 minutes, and is followed by insightful commentary. “Come,” let us learn together with our friends from Faith Lutheran what it was like to live and learn with Jesus.
Money collected during the mid-week Lenten services will also be donated to the food pantry. Thank you for your support!.
If you are unable to make it to our Wednesday services during Lent, you can join us via Zoom using the following link:
Meeting ID: 869 7541 2944
Passcode: 576818
COMMUNION VISITATION TEAMS Good Shepherd began sharing communion with folks who are unable to join us at the TABLE. Each week the gifts of bread and wine are taken by a team of dedicated volunteers. Currently serving on teams supporting this loving ministry are: Roger & Pam Bauser, Don & Paula Bennett, Mary Pierce, Ed Thieman, Jeff & Judy Treadway, Wayne & Michele Weyhrauch. If you or someone you know would like to receive communion, please contact the church office 937-298-0136.
MSP Submitted: For the past 6 months, the MSP team has worked to develop a Ministry Site Profile, a document sharing our congregation’s goals, gifts, and ministries. After input from our members, the final revisions were approved by the Congregation Council on March 25. Our congregation’s Ministry Site Profile was submitted to the Southern Ohio Synod on March 26. Pastor Bob Abrams, Assistant to the Bishop, will review our MSP. Once it has been approved, the MSP will be shared nationwide for pastoral candidates to read.
Next steps: After reviewing interested candidates, the Synod office will select those that seem to be a good match with our MSP. The Synod office will then share potential candidate information with Good Shepherd’s Call Committee. Our Call Committee will do an initial evaluation of each of the potential pastoral candidates, again looking for a good match with our congregation and its mission. If they find a good potential candidate, the committee will conduct an interview to learn more as well as share information about Good Shepherd.
Important: Members of the Call Committee are not allowed to share any information about their work with anyone. The following people have agreed to serve as members of Good Shepherd’s Call Committee: Chair – Roger Bauser, Bonnie Hershey, Debbie Kempf, Les Riehl, Sandy Rosholt, and Wayne Weyhrauch. Please show them patience and respect as they move forward in this Call Process.
The complete MSP can be found here.
NEXT WEEK: Packing event, Lesotho Nutrition Initiative Event, Sat April 5, 9 AM-12PM: Harmony Creek and Good Shepherd are hosting a food packing event for the Lesotho Nutrition Initiative on Saturday, April 5, from 9-12 in the Fellowship Hall. Dr. Scott Rosenberg and Wittenberg University students will provide all materials. Volunteers will work in teams to measure, package, and pack nutritious meals to be sent to Lesotho, Africa. Our challenge is to package more than 19,000 meals (last year’s total) in 3 hours. All are welcome to join us for this event.
THIS SUNDAY: Chili Cook-off Fundraiser, Sun March 30 after worship: Mark your calendars now. Harmony Creek and Good Shepherd are hosting a Chili Cook-off, next week on Sun March 30 after worship services.
Here’s how it works: Ten pots of chili will be shared for the tasting competition. You purchase tickets, and then use the tickets to “vote” for the best tasting chili. Important: We can only accept cash or checks.
All proceeds will go toward the Lesotho Nutrition Initiative.
NEW In Lieu of Lilies Easter Lilies can be ordered to help decorate our altar for Easter! Order forms are in the Narthex.
Any extra money, not needed to purchase the lilies, will be sent to the Lesotho Nutrition Initiative.
Thank you for your support!
Matthew 25 Ministries Update: Donated goods are sorted and processed in the facility and then redistributed to the poorest of the poor and disaster victims throughout the United States and to more than 40 countries around the world. Please clean pill bottles with “Goo Gone” to get the glue residue off. Then wash them inside and out with HOT water. After they are dry, be sure to replace the lids. Place them in the tub in the narthex. They will be sorted and bagged for next time
Food Pantry News
Our February food donations were delivered to local food pantries on March 7 – totaling 105 food items. Thank you for faithfully remembering the families who are served by the food pantries in our community. As you make your personal food purchases, consider adding a few items for these families. It will be a wonderful way to help those around us. It is very helpful to avoid donations of food in glass containers so that nothing can be broken.
If you would like to volunteer on a Thursday at the Feeding Friends Pantry on Bigger Road near the former Victoria’s Secret Building, click here to sign up
ALL our youth K – 9 are welcome to come!
Meet in the Chapel on Sunday morning.
Gather at 9:30 am
Lessons from 9:40 am – 10:20 am
Teachers Karin Linch and Sandy Rosholt
The Power and Promise of Easter
by Christine Caine and Lisa Harper
Do we live as Easter people? Is Easter one day or every day? Does the resurrection of Jesus make a difference in our daily activities?
Our discussion and Bible study are based on this video study, The Promise and Power of Easter.
Time: 8:50 am – 9:50 am
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8218602439?pwd=bm5IdHo2Y2JZMWVGWWp6dERybkcwZz09
If you have any questions, please contact Pam Bauser at psbauser@me.com
Come on Thursday mornings! Bring your own coffee along with your BIBLE. The focus is on the Lectionary Lessons for the upcoming weekend. No prior experience is needed. Each week the study relates to the Scripture lessons for Sunday’s worship. Drop by and learn what’s behind the message on Sunday.
Topic: Gospel Lectionary Readings for worship
Facilitator: Roger Bauser
Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am Join Zoom Meeting
Click: hereFor more information, please contact Roger at rebauser@me.com or call 937-299-5186.
Hand Sanitizer in pews: Small bottles of hand sanitizer are now available in the pews for you to use. The bottles are located near the center aisle.
The 2025 Altar Flower Calendar is posted in the Narthex near the serving area. You are encouraged to sign up now to select your favorite date. Flowers can be given in HONOR of a person or event or in MEMORY of a person or special occasion. When you choose to donate Altar Flowers, you are welcome to take them home after the Sunday service. Flowers that remain are made into bouquets and distributed to members of the congregation. They do bring great cheer and a loving connection to our GSLC family to someone who is hospitalized, ill or unable to worship with us. Altar Flowers are $45.00.
Consider adding your gifts to this important worship ministry. Donate flowers. Offer to become a Flower Delivery person.
There will be no altar flowers during the season of Lent
Offerings: Electronic Giving
Please don’t forget to send in your weekly tithe/offering to the church at 901 East Stroop Rd, Kettering, OH 45429 or go to our online Electronic Giving:
Electronic Giving Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is now offering the option of electronic giving for regular offerings and special offerings. Giving is done using the company Tithe.ly which is the only one endorsed by the ELCA. There are three ways to give:
1. Via smartphone using the Tithe.ly app (download via the App Store or Google Play)
2. Online at Tithe.ly
3. Via the GSLC Website which has a link to the Tithe.ly website to give directly to GSLC
The process to create an account and give is simple because it is tied to a debit or credit card. There is also a processing fee of less than 3% that you can choose to cover if desired. Benefits of Electronic Giving:
1. Ability to give from anywhere including other countries – you only need an internet connection via smartphone or computer.
2. Ability to give 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
3. Ability to choose from a variety of options where your gift goes.
4. Can give more than one gift at a time with the “Add Gift” option.
Questions: Contact Martin Pierce (937) 287-4021.