Faith Growth

Faith Growth

Umbrella category for worship and life long learning

Ashes to Go

Receive ashes on your forehead and a blessing from your car in our parking lot.

Ash Wednesday Service

GSLC will have an Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 pm. There will be Ashes-to-go in the parking lot from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, and again from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm before the service at 7:00 pm.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

A weekly Zoom Bible Study focusing on the texts of the week from the Revised Common Lectionary. These will normally be the same texts used in worship that same weekend. Breakfast is prepared and shared by one or more of the regular attendees of the study. Feel free to join us in discussing God’s word and it’s meaning for our lives. All our welcome. Please…

Women’s Bible Study

Faithfulness by Denise RectorWe began with The Book of Ruth learning about faithfulness from the lives of Ruth and Naomi. Read the Book of Ruth and marvel at what our faithful God can do. 

Women’s Bible Study

Faithfulness by Denise RectorWe began with The Book of Ruth learning about faithfulness from the lives of Ruth and Naomi. Read the Book of Ruth and marvel at what our faithful God can do. 

Lingering with the Lord

In person only! This service is meditative in nature, dedicated to corporate and personal prayer. The service lasts about 40 minutes. There is confession and absolution, readings from scripture, and Taizé style music, along with ample time for prayer. There is no message or communion.