Upcoming Events (Page 2)

Upcoming Events (Page 2)

Lenten Midweek Service

On Wednesdays, March 12 – April 9, Good Shepherd will host Lenten midweek services with Faith Lutheran Church beginning at 7:00 PM in our Fellowship Hall.   Each week we will view a new segment of the 5-part video series, “In the Dust of the Rabbi,” and hear a variety of stories about how Jesus taught his disciples. The series was…

Thursday Morning Bible Study

A weekly Zoom Bible Study focusing on the texts of the week from the Revised Common Lectionary. These will normally be the same texts used in worship that same weekend. Breakfast is prepared and shared by one or more of the regular attendees of the study. Feel free to join us in discussing God’s word and it’s meaning for our lives. All our welcome. Please…