Other Opportunities for Ministry

Other Opportunities for Ministry

Members of Good Shepherd financially and prayerfully support and participate in many community organizations.  We offer meeting space to many local groups.  To find out more about these organizations, visit their websites.  To inquire about space at Good Shepherd, contact the church office.

Daybreak:  Members of Good Shepherd support Daybreak serving youth in crisis.

Financial Peace University (FPU):  Since 2012 Good Shepherd has hosted a FPU class. The university teaches God’s way of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions, and interactive small group activities, FPU presents Biblical, practical steps to show how to get rid of debt. Money management shows how to spend and save wisely. 

Graceworks Social Services:  Members of Good Shepherd support the faithful caring of Graceworks. 

Habitat for Humanity:  Members of Good Shepherd support Habitat for Humanity.

Living Our Faith Together:  Living Our Faith Together (LOFT), a program of the Southern Ohio’s Synod, conducts classes at Good Shepherd. 

We Care Arts:  This is a place where people with disabilities learn independence and build self-esteem. Those with emotional, mental, and/or physical disabilities can visit We Care Arts‘ facility on Wilmington Pike, Kettering, and create artwork that fosters confidence and empowerment.

Other Benevolence:  On a wider scale Good Shepherd supports Osterlen Youth Services, Global Health Ministries, ELCA Vision for MissionWernle Home, Blue Star Mothers https://www.bluestarmothers.org/, and the Southern Ohio Synod Mecklenburg, Germany Partnership.

Good Shepherd offers building space to the following organizations:
