Eblast 7/16

Eblast 7/16


Worship With Us Online! 
Join us now in worship online!
Connect with us on Sundays for an encouraging Word from God and a time of worship.  Are you ready to worship together?
Please use the following links below to connect online to the Sunday Church Service:
Facebook click here: Facebook
YouTube click here: Youtube

4th Wednesday Monthly Prayer Service  
Do you need some time away from the busyness of life? On the 4th Wednesday of the month come join us at GSLC for a prayer service. Enjoy some time together singing and praying, while also getting some time to spend with the Lord in prayer by yourself.  There will be “stations” to help you focus on open different parts of our life, if you need that, you can stay in your pew and pray, or you can just walk around the sanctuary if that is what helps you enter some prayerful space for the Lord. Come join us Wednesday, July 26 at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. All are welcome to join us!

Delco Park Worship Service   
On Sunday, July 30 is our annual picnic. We will be gathering at Delco Park at 10:30 am (located at 1700 Delco Park Dr. in Kettering).  This year, we are planning to incorporate the messages, theme, and activities from our Operations Day Camp during our Outdoor Worship.  Come and hear how we shared the love of God with the kids and how they learned to help God restore the world through our theme Operation Restoration: Mending God’s World.  Do not forget!  After the service we will share a carry-in picnic. Bring food, friends, and have some fun fellowshipping together!


Food Pantry News
Your generous donations for the month of June totaled 225 items. It is always an amazing site to see all that food filling the donation bin.  Thanks for your continued faithfulness to this important ministry.  Food was delivered to four different feeding ministries (Feeding Friends, Neighbor-to-Neighbor, South Community, and Marshall Road Church of God) on July 3 and helped support their efforts to provide food for families in these difficult economic times.
The feeding ministry staff and patrons are always so deeply appreciative. You can bring donations to church any time during July. Next Food Pantry Sunday will be August 6.
The primary food pantry donation bin is in the narthex; so, if you come to church on Sunday morning you can bring your donations and place them there.  During the week, you can still place your donations inside the fellowship hall doors. Monetary donations may still be made by placing a check (payable to Good Shepherd with “food pantry” in the memo line) in the offering or mailing it to the church office.  
The food pantries have told us that the following items are among the most needed and useful for donation: noodles and pastas, cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, kids’ canned pastas, boxed “helper” meals, canned meats, chicken and tuna, instant potatoes, canned soups (Campbell’s or brand name Chunky soups or Progresso soups – if on sale – are especially useful because they can be stretched by adding pasta and making a casserole meal).

Jeremiah’s Letter July 16
The mission of Jeremiah’s Letter is to bring congregations together from the greater Dayton community so that together they can enhance the daily lives of individuals and families of the inner-city who find themselves in need. To help support the works of Jeremiah’s Letter, Good Shepherd will be collecting bath and bedroom linens, personal hygiene products, canned foods and cleaning/laundry supplies.

We Need Volunteers! 
GSLC is in need of four new Commissioners (Commissioner for Finance, Parish Life and Response, and Worship and Celebration).  If you would like to volunteer for these positions, please let Pr. Jamie, Roger Bauser or Wayne Rosholt know.


A Study on Civic and Faith 
Pr. Jamie will be teaching this course every Wednesday for 6 weeks beginning Wednesday, July 19. There will be a class offered at 2:00 pm and another class at 7:30 pm (the 7:30 pm class will have a Zoom option to attend as well.)   The classes should last about an hour and will meet in the Lounge.
Here is a partial description of the class: The curriculum invites participants to delve into the nature of politics, the meaning of the Scriptures, the purpose of government, the responsibility of congregations and church-related organizations, First Amendment issues, the relationship of faith- based living and civic life, connections between worship life and serving neighbor in society, the nature of citizenship, and other relevant topics. These are weighty and difficult discussions for people of faith!
Your participation matters as part of the work toward a social statement on civic life and faith. Social statements address the great social systems or most controversial issues of contemporary life. The ELCA does not have a comprehensive teaching and social policy document on civic life and faith…
As evident throughout this curriculum, the task force recognizes how Christians of good will can and do disagree about social issues. Though we are one in Christ and share many basic values such as neighbor love and neighbor justice, studying together can be difficult because social concerns, like political life, are complex and personal, with institutional and structural implications.

Lifelong Learning   
Our ADULT Lifelong Learning Classes are available online.
Our YOUTH Sunday morning classes are on a break through August.  

Topic: Civic Life and Faith
Facilitator:  Roger Bauser
Time: 8:50 am – 9:50 am
Place: Comfort of your own home – connect and discuss with others online!
How are we as Lutheran Christians called to civic engagement, including in the arenas of government and political life? What is the proper relationship of the church with the government, and what is not? What does religious liberty actually include? What are our scriptural and confessional resources for probing such questions about civic life?
If you experience any difficulty joining this study, please contact Roger at rebauser@me.com or call 937-299-5186. 
This interesting study provided by the ELCA prompts discussion and reflection. Pastor Jamie will be leading discussions on the same topic later this month. Watch for the opportunity to join in the thoughtful contemplation of our call to be the church within and throughout the community. 

Topic: Gospel Lectionary Reading for worship 
The Men’s Bible Study is ONLINE on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m.  Bring your own coffee along with your BIBLE.  The focus is on the Lectionary’s Gospel Lesson for the upcoming weekend.  Come join the discussion. This is a chance to go deeper before hearing the lessons on Sunday. 
Facilitator: Roger Bauser
Time:  9:00 am – 10:00 am
Place:  comfort of your home – connect online!
If you experience any difficulty, please contact Roger at rebauser@me.com or call 937-299-5186.

Topic: Gospel Lectionary Readings for worship 
Come on FRIDAY mornings! Bring your own coffee and treats along with your BIBLE. The focus is on the Lectionary Lessons for the upcoming weekend. Come join the discussion. Everyone is welcome! No prior experience is needed. Each week the study relates to the Scripture lessons for Sunday’s worship. Drop by and learn what’s behind the message on Sunday.
Facilitator:  Roger Bauser
Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am   
For more information, please contact Roger at rebauser@me.com or call 937-299-5186.  

WELCA (Women of the ELCA) Bible Study
The Summer 2023 Bible Study is Salvation Now by the Rev. Dr. Anna Madsen. More details can be found here https://www.gathermagazine.org/summer-2023-bible-study-salvation-now-by-the-rev-dr-anna-madsen/

This study has three sessions. Here is a brief overview of the first two sessions. The full study and a video are available online. 

The first session Promised Salvation Now: Jesus brings wellness is currently online and in the May/June issue of Gather Magazine.

Session One: Promised Salvation Now—Jesus Brings Wellness 
Of all the gospel writers, John is uniquely concerned about the effectiveness of Jesus’ immediate presence. One clue is his regular use of the word “now,” a tiny but powerful word which appears more here than the other gospels combined. Together, we’ll note a few instances of the “Now,” and delve into John’s observations about the way John focuses not so much on the “hereafter,” but more on sharing the difference that Jesus makes in people’s lives, straight away.

The second session Tangible Salvation Now: Christians bringing wellness is currently online and, in the July/August issue of Gather Magazine.

Session Two: Tangible Salvation Now—Christians Bringing Wellness
Following Jesus means expressing our solidarity with Jesus and his mission, in all we do. Because Jesus is the bringer of salvation, in his name, so, too, are we. Where there are wounds and brokenness, we are called to bring Jesus and the salvation he embodied. Together we’ll examine the biblical and theological reasons for not waiting for it to all come out in the wash later, but for us to become faithful ambassadors of Jesus’ salvation now.

All the Bible studies are accessible online at www.gathermagazine.org 
Contact Pam Bauser at psbauser@me.com or call 937-602-8385 with any questions. 


May year to date offerings are as follows:
Offerings $166,152 vs budget of $161,378, excluding Harmony Creek contribution.
Harmony Creek receipt of $19,750 vs budget of $15,000.
Expenses $173,234 vs budget of $171,271.
May monthly offerings $21,111 vs. budget of $22,672, including Harmony Creek contribution of $2,500 (actual and budget)

Electronic Giving
Don’t forget to send in your weekly tithe/offering to the church at 901 East Stroop Rd, Kettering, OH 45429 or go to our online Electronic Giving:
Electronic Giving Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is now offering the option of electronic giving for regular offerings and special offerings.  Giving is done using the company Tithe.ly which is the only one endorsed by the ELCA.  There are three ways to give: 
1.     Via smartphone using the Tithe.ly app (download via the App Store or Google Play)
2.     Online at Tithe.ly  
3.     Via the GSLC Website which has a link to the Tithe.ly website to give directly to GSLC
The process to create an account and give is simple because it is tied to a debit or credit card.  There is also a processing fee of less than 3% that you can choose to cover if desired.   Benefits of Electronic Giving:  
1.     Ability to give from anywhere including other countries – you only need an internet connection via smartphone or computer.
2.     Ability to give 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
3.     Ability to choose from a variety of options where your gift goes.
4.     Can give more than one gift at a time with the “Add Gift” option.
Questions:  Contact Martin Pierce (937) 287-4021. 


GSLC Lutheran Youth Corps (LYC)
Gift Card Program Did you know there is a way that you can financially support Good Shepherd at no cost to you?  Through the LYC, you can order gift cards from a variety of merchants and restaurants at face value and a portion of each purchase is donated to the church to support youth programs and the First Lutheran Breakfasts. Although the percentage donated to the church may seem small, a few percent of our collective purchases can add up to a significant donation to Good Shepherd over time. Order forms are available in the Narthex.  Orders placed on the weekend are normally available for pick up the following week, with the exception of some holiday periods and weeks where we do not reach the minimum threshold for placing an order.  Please contact Don Bennett if you have any questions.  What a great way to be faithful stewards of our resources!
Click here to fill out the form:  Gift Card Order Form


ELCA Good Gifts. Click here.
Lutheran Disaster Response. Click here.
Lutheran World Relief. Click here.
ELCA Global Links.  Click here.
ELCA World Hunger.  Click here.
ELCA Disabilities Ministry.  Click here.

Eblast 7/9