Eblast 8/30

Eblast 8/30

Online Worship & Holy Communion

While Montgomery County COVID-19 indicators remain on a Level 3 alert at the recommendation of Governor DeWine and Bishop Dillahunt, Good Shepherd will continue to worship as a community online. We offer Holy Communion twice a month on the second and fourth Sundays from Noon – 1:00 pm.  Please join us for worship and communion.

Online Worship Information

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will continue doing a video of our church service. Online worship will be available on Sunday at 10:30 am. Come and enjoy GSLC’s service online. 

Please use the following links below to connect to the Sunday Church Service:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodshepherdkettering/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFjr6taytoTncrtHVY9TGQw

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will be doing a Streaming Devotional with Pr. Jamie Vannoy every Wednesday at Noon. We will also be including Read Aloud Stories with Don Bennett every weekday, Monday – Friday, at 2:30 pm.  Please come, connect, and enjoy.

Please use the following links below to connect:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodshepherdkettering/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFjr6taytoTncrtHVY9TGQw

Offerings for last week:  


Electronic Giving

Don’t forget to send in your weekly tithe/offering to the church at 901 East Stroop Rd, Kettering, OH 45429 or go to our online Electronic Giving:

Electronic Giving Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is now offering the option of electronic giving for regular offerings and special offerings.  Giving is done using the company Tithe.ly which is the only one endorsed by the ELCA.  There are three ways to give: 
1.     Via smartphone using the Tithe.ly app (download via the App Store or Google Play)
2.     Online at https://tithe.ly/give?c=329631  
3.     Via the GSLC Website which has a link to the Tithe.ly website to give directly to GSLC

The process to create an account and give is simple because it is tied to a debit or credit card.  There is also a processing fee of less than 3% that you can choose to cover if desired.   Benefits of Electronic Giving:  
1.     Ability to give from anywhere including other countries – you only need an internet connection via smartphone or computer.
2.     Ability to give 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
3.     Ability to choose from a variety of options where your gift goes.
4.     Can give more than one gift at a time with the “Add Gift” option.

Questions:  Contact Martin Pierce (937) 287-4021 or Denise Wilson (513) 913-0133.  

This Week’s Article

This week’s article is by William Willimon @ Ministry Matters.

Because the RCL’s First Lesson gives us a series of readings this fall from the Exodus, let’s do a sermon series from the wonderfully crafted Exodus narrative. If you decide to pitch this to your congregation as a series, let’s call the series “Deliverance!” During this series of sermons, we will have the opportunity to reflect on the nature of Israel’s God who promises deliverance to the captives and then keeps promising to preserve them in the Exodus from slavery to freedom. What’s the relevance for these ancient, core narratives for the church today?

Our first lesson finds Moses on the lam, fled from Egypt and his fellow Hebrews. Out in Midian he is working for his father-in-law tending sheep. Out there in the wilderness, Moses comes upon a strange “mountain of God” known as Horeb (aka Mount Sinai in Exodus 19:11). On this divine mountain, up near the heavens, Moses encounters a burning bush aflame but not consumed by the fire. God’s presence is often associated with fire (Genesis 15:17; Exodus 14:24; 19:18; Leviticus 10:2; and don’t forget Acts 2:3).

Standing before the fiery bush Moses is met by a God who is both revealing and concealing, attracting and frightening. Moses is told to remove his sandals from his feet, a customary show of reverence when entering a divine habitation. In awe before the burning-but-not-consumed bush Moses is addressed by the God of his ancestors, “the God of Abraham… of Isaac… of Jacob” (Exodus 3:6).

Our text for this Sunday is the paradigmatic call story. God calls Moses to risk going back to Egypt and standing before the Pharaoh, demanding that Pharaoh free the slaves so that they may travel to the land of Canaan (3:7-10). We are reminded of other call stories in the Bible (Jeremiah 1:1-10) where objections are raised to God’s vocation. Moses objects that he is unqualified for the task that God assigns. He’s not a good speaker. Furthermore, he’s a nobody, protesting, “Who am I?” (3:11)

And, as in Jeremiah’s call, God will not be deterred. God is not only insistent but also promises, “I’ll be with you” (3:12). If anybody askes who has sent Moses, what the name of his boss is, (3:13), God tells Moses to tell them, “I AM WHO I AM” (3:14). The Hebrew (ehyeh asher ehyeh) is more literally, “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.”

The divine name throughout the Old Testament is “Yahweh,” or YHWH (the Hebrew consonants without the vowels). God’s name is not to be directly pronounced in prayer or worship. In English translations, “The Lord” is usually used to signify the divine name. We must read on through the Pentateuch to find out the specifics of just who “Yahweh” really is.

Thus, in Exodus 20:2-6 (NRSV), God opens the Ten Commandments with, “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt… I am a jealous God, punishing… but showing steadfast love.” Exodus 29:46 (NRSV) says that God’s special relationship with Israel is based upon who God is and what God has done for Israel: “I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them.” In a sense, the whole biblical story is a long narrative of the revelation to Israel discovers the peculiar nature of the one who announces, “I will be who I will be.”

In this Sunday’s first lesson, Exodus 3, upon first meeting “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE,” we discover with Moses that the first revealed attribute of God is God’s propensity for vocation. Here is a God who shows up and enlists, summons, calls people—even people as flawed and limited as Moses—and summons them for divine tasks. The attributes and talents of the person summoned are not the main point. The main point is a God who rules by vocation. The great “I Am” works, rules, transforms by delegating human beings like Moses to do God’s work.

As Christians, we are assigned, addressed, given a part to play in God’s ongoing work of deliverance. It’s our happy task this Sunday to proclaim that good news. Who is God? God is the one who delivers the slaves. And guess who gets to help God?

Much of the material in today’s proclamation section comes from my book Accidental Preacher: A Memoir (Eerdmans, 2019). I wrote that book as a memoir of my own vocation. Regular readers of Pulpit Resource may enjoy my attempt to write a “vocational memoir.”

Stewardship Snippets – August 30, 2020

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. – Romans 12:21.  The future church must be a beacon of good, casting a true vision of hope, love, justice, and mercy as we commit to follow Jesus into a new way of being and living. Today’s gospel lesson reminds us that we must lose our life to find it in Jesus (Matthew 15:21-28). What do you and your faith community need to do to become that beacon in an uncertain world?

Open Positions 

Are you thinking about opportunities to help with Good Shepherd’s mission? The Church Council is looking to fill 2 positions.  They are 3 year terms beginning October 1. Here is a chance to participate in planning and administering Good Shepherd’s ministries and operations. If you have any questions you can contact Dave Seltzer 937-643-9679, Cindy Grove 937-371-5905, Martin Pierce 937-287-4021, or Pastor Jamie 937-248-9996.

QUILTS & KITS “InGathering” OCTOBER 2-3

Good Shepherd is the InGathering location for Southwest/Central Ohio, parts of Northern Kentucky and Indiana. We are the drop-off point for hundreds of boxes filled with Quilts & Kits collected over the past year by churches, groups, and businesses. Our InGathering is a big event that utilizes many hands and good hard work. Volunteer to help, and join us Friday, October 2 and Saturday, October 3 as we work together to fill a semi with gifts that will touch the lives of people around the world. Please contact the church office at (937) 298-0136 if you are willing to volunteer for this wonderful ministry.   There will be social distancing guidelines sent to us by LWR that GSLC will use for both days in October.

Live Streaming

When we put in the sound system a few years ago, we had mentioned the possibility of expanding the system to be able to record videos with it as well. This pandemic has let us know how much people appreciate our worship services online. So with that feedback and the potential of live streaming funerals, weddings, confirmations, and other services that loved ones might not be able to attend in person throughout the year the Council put the AV Team on the task of coming up with a way to live stream events in the sanctuary. So we are looking to invest $6,500 in cameras and software to allow us to live stream events, and we will be upgrading our internet speed to allow us to live stream also but that will be reflected in the Ministry Plan presented at the Annual Meeting. The Memorial Committee has already committed $2,800 toward the project, and we are asking you to consider contributing to this project. We are going to initially pay for this project from the Heritage Fund, and then reimburse the Heritage Fund from your contributions and the Memorial Committee. If you would like to contribute to this project feel free to put a check or cash in an envelope and mark the envelope “Live Streaming Fund” so we will track it. We are hopeful to have this project up and running by Christmas, what a beautiful time of year to help people feel closer to their church than that special time of year.

First Lutheran Breakfast Donations 

For many years, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (GSLC) has provided a hot breakfast meal to the needy in Downtown Dayton, twice monthly at First Lutheran Church. I am extremely grateful for the support our church members have had of this important ministry. Covid-19 has required our church to alter the way we provide meals to First Lutheran guests.

As a result of Covid-19, the meals have changed to “grab and go ” format, which requires several items (for example, hard-boiled eggs, sausage links and bagels/rolls), to be individually placed in ziplock sandwich bags. Currently, GSLC provides 70 pre-packaged meals at each breakfast; therefore, we are using 200+ ziplock sandwich bags with each meal!  The cost to prepare these meals is approximately $250 each month.

How can you help? I kindly ask for sandwich- size ziplock bag donations. Please drop off, anytime at church or contact me directly. I will be happy to come to your home and pick up. Monetary donations are also welcomed anytime and are sent directly to church.


GSLC continues to offer an active GriefShare support community. If you or someone you know is interested, please be in touch with Pastor Jamie or call Pam Bauser (937-602-8385) or Kathy Seim (936-901-0532). We are glad to discuss the benefits of GriefShare. GriefShare is a faith based ministry that combines group discussion, video input from experts and others who know the grief journey, and individual study in the resource book. This ministry is available to all who have experienced the loss of a loved one at any time. Further information and registration is available at https://www.griefshare.org

GriefShare’s – LOSS OF A SPOUSE
Saturday, August 29, 2020 
10:00 am – Noon 

ONLINE via Zoom
This is NEW! This recent addition to the GriefShare ministry was given as a gift to GSLC from one of our GriefShare participants. This is a one time session focused specifically on the significant impact with the loss of a spouse. If you have lost a spouse or know someone who has, please feel welcome to join our online discussion of the deep grief that losing a life partner brings to the heart and soul. Please contact the church office or Pam Bauser (937-602-8385) or Kathy Seim (937-901-0532) to register. We will make arrangements to bring you the resource booklet that accompanies the program. We will also be glad to assist in making viewing the session online possible. 

Saturday, October 24, 2020
10:00 am – Noon
Currently we plan to gather in person for this special Surviving the Holidays session. Located in the Fellowship Hall (to allow easier social distancing).

GriefShare – MOURNING to JOY  (13 weeks)
Sunday, September 13 – Sunday, December 6 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Plans for in person sessions this fall are pending the safety and welfare of all participants.  Watch for more information by Labor Day. If you are interested, please register online or contact the church office.  Located in the Fellowship Hall/Lounge (depending on size of group).

Lifelong Learning   

Our ADULT Lifelong Learning Classes are ONLINE! Everyone is welcome! Please contact the church office for the links below to join in the conversations. This is a great time to “zoom” in and discover the quality adult education we have at GSLC. While GSLC is opening for worship, our Bible studies and Sunday morning studies are remaining online. If you haven’t checked any of these out, please consider joining the conversations.

Our YOUTH classes are on vacation until fall. 
Questions?? – Please contact Pam Bauser at 937-299-5186.

Topic: We Are CALLED to be GOD’S CHURCH in the World! 
Facilitator: Roger Bauser
Time: 9:00 – 10:00 am
Place: Comfort of your home – connect online!

Bring your coffee. Have your Bible handy. We have heard GOD’S CALL! Now we will explore putting our CALL into ACTION!
Our topic is based on Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s Bible study available on the ELCA website. During the coming weeks we will explore our call to be CHURCH, our call to be LUTHERAN, our call to be TOGETHER, and our call for the SAKE OF THE WORLD! This session has TWO more weeks – August 23 and 30! Don’t miss the chance to share our call to be Lutheran Together for the Sake of the World! Sundays at 9:00 am on Zoom.

Topic: Lectionary for Sunday worship 
Facilitator: Roger Bauser
Time:  9:00 am – 10:00 am
Place:  comfort of your home – connect online!

The Men’s breakfast Bible Study continues ONLINE on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Bring your own coffee and breakfast along with your BIBLE. 
The focus is on the Lectionary Lessons for the upcoming Sunday. Come join the discussion facilitated by Roger Bauser. Use the following link to join the conversation. If you experience any difficulty, please contact Roger at rebauser@me.com or call 937-299-5186.

Come explore ideas on Wednesday evenings
Topic:  Does racism exist in the Church?
Facilitator: Becky Cook
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Wednesdays – August  26 and September 2
Place: Comfort of your own home.

Read the Southern Ohio Synod Statement on Racism: Synod Council Statement On RacialJustice 2020 Read online, print this out or call the church office if you would like a copy sent to your home. What are your thoughts? What does this statement mean for us? How do we respond to the sin of white supremacy? Our country has been engaged and enraged by the death of George Floyd and the events that have followed. How does our faith speak to the hurt and anger expressed? Come listen, learn, and discuss our faith and our place speaking God’s love in a broken world.  Join Zoom Discussion on Racism on Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Food Pantry Donations 

Thank you to all of our Food Pantry Donors. On August 3 we delivered 205 much appreciated food items.

If you are planning to come to church for drive-thru communion this week, please remember the needs of the food pantry. This will be a convenient time to drop off non-perishable food to help meet the needs of many hungry families in our area. Your food donations are more important than ever during this trying time of covid-19 restrictions. If you prefer, you can drop off cash or a check payable to Good Shepherd. Someone will be at church to assist you with your donation.

In these uncertain times, the Greenmont-Oak Park Church / Ascension Parish “Neighbor to Neighbor” Food Pantry serves an even more vital role in the lives of many Kettering area families. As a congregation, we have supported the pantry with our gifts for many years. As you are shopping in the grocery, please remember these families with a few extra purchases. Watch your local supermarket for specials to stretch your dollars even further. Even though we are not meeting together, food donations may also be dropped off at the church during regular business hours.

The collection box is easily accessible just inside the exterior doors to the fellowship hall. Ring the bell.  When the doors are unlocked, go inside and place your food in the collection box.  If you are not going to the grocery regularly and you want to make a monetary donation, make your check payable to Good Shepherd and marked FOOD PANTRY and send it to or drop it off in the office. The food pantry staff will use your monetary gifts wisely to purchase needed food items.

The collection box will be easily accessible just inside the exterior doors to the fellowship hall. Ring the bell.  When the doors are unlocked, go inside and place your food in the collection box.  If you are not going to the grocery regularly and you want to make a monetary donation, make your check payable to Good Shepherd and marked FOOD PANTRY and send it to or drop it off in the office. The food pantry staff will use your monetary gifts wisely.


In 2018, we received $15.95 in donations from AmazonSmile. In 2019 we received $19.64. Would you like to help go over those amounts for 2020? It’s easy to do. Go to our web site, goodshepherdkettering.com, and on the front page on the right side you will see a little graphic labeled amazonsmile.  Click on that and follow the directions. Once you’ve done that, instead of going to amazon.com to make an online purchase, go to smile.amazon.com and for every purchase you make, we will get 0.5% of that price donated to us. It’s still Amazon, with all the features of the normal site, we just get a small cut. Over time those 0.5% donations add up. Please consider supporting us in this way. The proceeds go to help with youth events. If you have any questions, please contact Don Bennett.

Counseling Assistance

Good Shepherd is a member of the Covenant Society for Pastoral Counseling of Miami Valley Hospital. Trained and certified counselors are available to congregational members at any time, whether for a crisis or for ongoing help. This service is confidential, and anonymous if you choose. You do not have to go through the pastor or church to access this service. If you have a need simply call  (937) 438-3486, tell the staff you are a member of Good Shepherd, our church is part of the Covenant Society for Pastoral Counseling through Premier. Because Good Shepherd is a member the cost to you is one-half of any non-reimbursed portion (for example, through insurance coverage) of the normal charge. For further information on this service you can call the above numbers, or talk to Pastor Jamie.

GSLC Lutheran Youth Corps (LYC)

Gift Card Program Did you know there is a way that you can financially support Good Shepherd at no cost to you?  Through the LYC, you can order gift cards from a variety of merchants and restaurants at face value and a portion of each purchase is donated to the church to support youth programs and the First Lutheran Breakfasts. Although the percentage donated to the church may seem small, a few percent of our collective purchases can add up to a significant donation to Good Shepherd over time. Order forms are available in the Narthex.  Orders placed on the weekend are normally available for pick up the following week, with the exception of some holiday periods and weeks where we do not reach the minimum threshold for placing an order.  Please contact Don Bennett if you have any questions.  What a great way to be faithful stewards of our resources!


ELCA Disability Ministry God’s work. Our hands. Click here.
NEW  Lutheran World Relief Sustainable Development. Click here.
ELCA Global Links  Click here.

Season of Creation Devotions Offered by Four Heads of Communion

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and leaders from The Episcopal Church, the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada have prepared a series of devotions to observe the Season of Creation 2020, September 1 – October 4.

The season, which begins with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, is a time to join with the global Christian community in renewing, repairing and restoring commitments to God, to one another and to all of creation. For the four churches, it is also a time for strengthening relationships with one another. Through Scripture, hymns, advocacy and action, the weekly devotions, which begin Sept. 6, invite people to live out their vocation as stewards of creation.

In addition to Eaton, the devotions were contributed by the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, presiding bishop and primate, The Episcopal Church; the Rev. Susan C. Johnson, national bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; and the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, archbishop and primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.

The Season of Creation devotions are available here.


Hunger in the Time of COVID-19: Life for Today and Hope for Tomorrow.

An online benefit for ELCA World Hunger.

Rick Steves, guidebook author and travel TV host; the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA); and the Rev. Shelley Bryan Wee, bishop of the ELCA Northwest Washington Synod, invite you to an online benefit — the first of its kind — for ELCA World Hunger. Together, we hope to raise $250,000 to confront hunger in the time of COVID-19 at this event.

When: Thursday, Sept. 24, 7 p.m. Central time
Where: Zoom virtual event
Register: Here

 We are in a historic moment, facing a once-in-a-century pandemic and a global change in hunger unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes. Domestically and internationally, hunger is increasing at alarming rates. At this event, you will learn about the unique ways ELCA World Hunger is responding. Our hosts will also discuss the ongoing root causes of hunger and poverty addressed in Rick Steves’ recent special Hunger and Hope: Lessons From Ethiopia and Guatemala. And you will hear from ELCA World Hunger partners on the front lines of the current hunger crisis, who will tell you firsthand how your gifts make a difference. We are called by God to share hope in this time of challenge. Join us to face this global hunger crisis head-on and to continue moving toward a just world where all are fed.