COVID-19 Guidelines for Worship

COVID-19 Guidelines for Worship



  • Wear a mask as you get out of your car to enter the building.
  • Use hand sanitizer offered by Greeter as you enter the building. (Mask will be offered if one is needed.)

In the Narthex:

  • Pick up the elements for Holy Communion to be ready for communion during worship.
  • Place offering in the offering plate.
  • Record any prayer requests in the Prayer Book.
  • Move directly to Sanctuary without visiting in this area.

In the Sanctuary:

  • Please wear your mask in the sanctuary.
  • Select a seat in the sanctuary noting the signs, ENDS or MIDDLE, designating where to sit to besocially distanced in the pews. Family groups may sit together. On pews marked SKIP, no oneshould be seated in that row.
  • Please remain in your seat until the end of the service. Use of the bathroom is the exception.
  • All hymnals, attendance cards, envelopes, and pencils have been removed for your safety.
  • Singing with your mask on during the liturgy is encouraged.
  • Humming with your mask on is encouraged for the hymns.
  • Soloists will provide special music in place of our usual hymn singing.
  • Please refer to the screens for the order of service and responses.
  • Bulletins will be sent with the weekly eBlast if you wish to bring a printed bulletin from home.
  • Please maintain social distancing and refrain from physical touching (handshakes, hugs)
  • Use hand signals or ASL for the Passing of the Peace.
  • Follow Pastor’s verbal instructions following the Words of Institution.Tips for our Holy Communion practice during this time:Wafer and grape juice are packaged together. Remain at your seat for Holy Communion.
    At the appropriate time as directed by Pastor:Lift clear plastic seal to open the wafer. Eat.Lift the foil seal to open the grape juice. Drink Receive the blessing.
  • Remain seated until ushers dismiss you.
  • Exit through the Narthex to fellowship outside the building on your way to your vehicle.

WORSHIPPING from home at GSLC:

ONLINE worship, ONLINE devotions, and ONLINE education will continue.
  • At this time, the 4 p.m. Saturday service will be recorded to be available for participating in worship at 10:30 a.m. Sunday.
  • Holy Communion will be available every week following worship at the church from 12-1pm in the church parking lot. Pastor Jamie can make arrangements to bring Holy Communion to your home if you are uncomfortable with being out.
  • Pastor Jamie’s Wednesday devotions will be available on YouTube and Facebook.
  • Adult Sunday morning Lifelong Learning classes will be online from 9-10 a.m.
  • Men’s Thursday Bible study will be online from 9-10 a.m.
  • Women’s Thursday Bible study will be online from 11-noon