Eblast 5/14

Eblast 5/14

Parking Lot  
GSLC will be stripping and resurfacing our parking lot from Wednesday, May 17 to Friday, May 19. Please make sure to find other locations around the building to park.  Thank you for your patience as we get this updated.


Worship With Us Online! 
Good Shepherd will continue to offer online worship on Sundays.
Please use the following links below to connect online to the Sunday Church Service:
Facebook click here: Facebook
YouTube click here: Youtube

4th Wednesday Monthly Prayer Service  
Do you need some time away from the busyness of life? On the 4th Wednesday of the month (beginning Wednesday, May 24) come join us at GSLC for a prayer service. Enjoy some time together singing and praying, while also getting some time to spend with the Lord in prayer by yourself.  There will be “stations” to help you focus on open different parts of our life if you need that, you can stay in your pew and pray, or you can just walk around the sanctuary if that is what helps you enter some prayerful space for the Lord. Come join us Wednesday, May 24 at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. All are welcome to join us!

Inviting Congregation Retreats 
Last month we discussed the WHY? of becoming an Inviting Congregation. This month (May 20, 21 & 24) we will be going through the HOW.  Come join us for one of the sessions as we discuss and practice ways to be inviting people to the Good Shepherd and inviting people to be more involved in the church also.

Upcoming Events 
On Sunday, May 14 there will be a Confirmation for Rowan.  On Sunday, May 21 Adelaide, Laura Bettinger’s daughter, will be baptized during worship.  On Sunday, May 28 we will be holding a Pentecost/ Graduate Sunday/ New Member Sunday.   All are invited for these special events.


Day Camp  Click here for our Operation Restoration brochure! 
Good Shepherd is hosting a Day Camp called Operation Restoration: Mending God’s World. During this exciting weeklong program, kids learn to be menders of the universe as they explore the daily themes of Feed, Heal, Forgive, Pray, and Rest. Operation Restoration is scheduled over the dates from June 26 through June 30. Each daily session starts at 9:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm.
If you enjoy working with children, we invite you to help them grow in faith, learn, sing and work to be members of God’s creation and universe.  We will need lots of helpers in lots of areas!  You can find volunteer forms on the table in the Sanctuary or by clicking here.  Click here for our Day Camp Volunteer Request List and daily schedule.
We also invite anyone who wants to send their kids to Daycamp. All kids who have completed grades K-5 are invited to grow in faith as they play, learn, sing, and work to be members of God’s creation and universe. Registration is open and limited to 30 campers. Registrations for Day Camp can be picked up at the church office or download a copy here.

Calling For all Graduates 
Each spring Good Shepherd honors our graduates from high school, college, and graduate programs. This year our graduate recognition will be the weekend of May 27/28. We need your help identifying this year’s graduates. Please submit the names of those members of your family who are graduating this spring to the church office as soon as possible. This will help us plan for the event. Please indicate the graduate’s full name, the name of school, and the degree earned, including the field of study.  Thank you for helping us gather this information! It is a blessing to honor those graduates who are special to our congregation

Food Pantry News
Thanks for your faithful support of this feeding ministry.  Blessings to all who give and all who receive this much needed food.
Your generous donations for the month of March totaled 260 items Thanks for your continued faithfulness to this important ministry. Food was delivered to six feeding ministries on April 3, and helps support their efforts to provide food for families in these difficult economic times. The feeding ministry staffs and patrons are always so deeply appreciative. You can bring donations at any time.
The primary food pantry donation bin is in the narthex; so, if you come to church on Sunday morning you can bring your donations and place them there.  During the week, you can still place your donations inside the fellowship hall doors. Monetary donations may still be made by placing a check (payable to Good Shepherd with “food pantry” in the memo line) in the offering or mailing it to the church office.  The food pantry has told us that the following items are among the most needed and useful for donation: noodles and pastas, cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, kids’ canned pastas, boxed “helper” meals, canned meats, chicken and tuna, instant potatoes, canned soups (Campbell’s or brand name Chunky soups or Progresso soups – if on sale – are especially useful because they can be stretched by adding pasta and making a casserole meal).

We Need Volunteers! 
GSLC is in need of four new Commissioners (Commissioner for Finance, Parish Life and Response, and Worship and Celebration).  If you would like to volunteer for these positions, please let Pr. Jamie, Roger Bauser or Wayne Rosholt know.

Jeremiah’s Letter May 21
The mission of Jeremiah’s Letter is to bring congregations together from the greater Dayton community so that together they can enhance the daily lives of individuals and families of the inner-city who find themselves in need. To help support the works of Jeremiah’s Letter, Good Shepherd will be collecting bath and bedroom linens, personal hygiene products, canned foods and cleaning/laundry supplies.


FAITH FORMATION:  Affirmation of Baptism for Rowan Diane Linch will be Sunday, May 14 at 10:30 am service. Rowan will share her faith journey through the symbols chosen for her stole. Please keep Rowan and her family in prayer as she prepares for this important milestone of faith. We welcome Rowan into the full membership with its rights and responsibilities of GSLC at this service. Plan to greet Rowan and her family in the Narthex following the service. 
Good Shepherd has a tradition of allowing each confirmand to create a stole using images that are significant to that student. The stole is a symbol of each individual’s unique walk with God supported by the whole congregation through prayer, worship and fellowship. In receiving the her stole, Rowan accepts the yoke of Christ linking her first and foremost to Christ her risen Lord and Savior. And through Christ, she is linked to all in the kingdom of God. Our Lord is eager to walk with Rowan and each of us. Jesus taught in the Gospel of Matthew, “Take my yoke upon you and learn form me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”   Matt 11:29-30

Lifelong Learning  
Our ADULT Lifelong Learning Classes are ONLINE. Everyone is welcome! Use the links below to join in the conversations. Discover the quality adult education we have at GSLC. Our Bible studies are open to ALL near and far. If you haven’t checked any of these out, please consider this invitation to join us now. 

Sunday School for K-8 youth:   ALL YOUTH are WELCOME!  Come! Explore! Discover!  We would like to make all our youth welcome in our learning experiences. Come share what works for you and your child. Our youth meet in the Chapel from 9:30 – 10:20 am on Sunday morning. ALL youth K – 8 are invited. The Whirl curriculum is designed to connect the lessons in the church service with the discussions and projects in the classroom. For more information, talk with Karin Linch or Sandy Rosholt. 

Our Youth Sunday Morning opportunities continue through Sunday, May 21, 2023. Youth Sunday School will resume after Labor Day in the fall. Many thanks to our faithful Sunday School staff, Sandy Rosholt and Karin Linch, for their service.     

Topic: How We Got the New Testament
Facilitator:  Roger Bauser
Time: 8:50 am – 9:50 am
Place: Comfort of your own home – connect and discuss with others online!
Ever wonder how we got the 27 books we call the New Testament? Within these books we find real history, turning points, epic characters, intimate insights, and why all this still matters. Curious??? Come join us as we explore the developments that led us to the New Testament that we hold dear. 
This study includes video clips featuring Pastor Greg Kauffman from Select Learning. 
If you experience any difficulty joining this study, please contact Roger at rebauser@me.com or call 937-299-5186. 

Topic: Gospel Lectionary Reading for worship 
The Men’s Bible Study is ONLINE on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m.  Bring your own coffee along with your BIBLE.  The focus is on the Lectionary’s Gospel Lesson for the upcoming weekend.  Come join the discussion. This is a chance to go deeper before hearing the lessons on Sunday. 
Facilitator: Roger Bauser
Time:  9:00 am – 10:00 am
Place:  comfort of your home – connect online!
If you experience any difficulty, please contact Roger at rebauser@me.com or call 937-299-5186.

Topic: Gospel Lectionary Readings for worship 
Come on FRIDAY mornings! Bring your own coffee and treats along with your BIBLE. The focus is on the Lectionary Lessons for the upcoming weekend. Come join the discussion. Everyone is welcome! No prior experience is needed. Each week the study relates to the Scripture lessons for Sunday’s worship. Drop by and learn what’s behind the message on Sunday.
Facilitator:  Roger Bauser
Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am   
For more information, please contact Roger at rebauser@me.com or call 937-299-5186. 

WELCA (Women of the ELCA) Bible Study
Thank you to all the women who joined us to share hospitality company of one another through the Word of God!
The Summer 2023 Bible Study is on Salvation Now by the Rev. Dr. Anna Madsen. More details can be found here https://www.gathermagazine.org/summer-2023-bible-study-salvation-now-by-the-rev-dr-anna-madsen/
The study is accessible online and in the May/June 2023 and upcoming July/August 2023 issues of Gather Magazine
Contact Pam Bauser at psbauser@me.com or call 937-602-8385 with any questions. 


The previous communications on weekly offerings were misleading due to the exclusion of on-line and monthly giving.  Going forward the financial information will be shown as monthly and YTD totals:
March monthly offerings $18,993 vs. budget of $20,172, excluding Harmony Creek
March YTD offerings $116,285 vs budget of $121,034, excluding Harmony Creek
March YTD Harmony Creek $13,750 vs budget of $10,000
March YTD expenses $123,208 vs budget of $128,453

Electronic Giving
Don’t forget to send in your weekly tithe/offering to the church at 901 East Stroop Rd, Kettering, OH 45429 or go to our online Electronic Giving:
Electronic Giving Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is now offering the option of electronic giving for regular offerings and special offerings.  Giving is done using the company Tithe.ly which is the only one endorsed by the ELCA.  There are three ways to give: 
1.     Via smartphone using the Tithe.ly app (download via the App Store or Google Play)
2.     Online at Tithe.ly  
3.     Via the GSLC Website which has a link to the Tithe.ly website to give directly to GSLC
The process to create an account and give is simple because it is tied to a debit or credit card.  There is also a processing fee of less than 3% that you can choose to cover if desired.   Benefits of Electronic Giving:  
1.     Ability to give from anywhere including other countries – you only need an internet connection via smartphone or computer.
2.     Ability to give 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
3.     Ability to choose from a variety of options where your gift goes.
4.     Can give more than one gift at a time with the “Add Gift” option.
Questions:  Contact Martin Pierce (937) 287-4021. 


GSLC Lutheran Youth Corps (LYC)
Gift Card Program Did you know there is a way that you can financially support Good Shepherd at no cost to you?  Through the LYC, you can order gift cards from a variety of merchants and restaurants at face value and a portion of each purchase is donated to the church to support youth programs and the First Lutheran Breakfasts. Although the percentage donated to the church may seem small, a few percent of our collective purchases can add up to a significant donation to Good Shepherd over time. Order forms are available in the Narthex.  Orders placed on the weekend are normally available for pick up the following week, with the exception of some holiday periods and weeks where we do not reach the minimum threshold for placing an order.  Please contact Don Bennett if you have any questions.  What a great way to be faithful stewards of our resources! Click here to fill out the form:  Gift Card Order Form


ELCA Good Gifts. Click here.
Lutheran Disaster Response. Click here.
Lutheran World Relief. Click here.
ELCA Global Links.  Click here.
ELCA World Hunger.  Click here.
ELCA Disabilities Ministry.  Click here.


9th Annual Martha Leach Memorial Tea
You’re invited to the 9th Annual Martha Leach Memorial Tea to be held on Saturday, May 20, 2023, 2:00 PM at Faith Lutheran Church 3315 Martel Dr., Dayton, 45420.  Program entertainment provided by the musical stylings of Don Kanipe. Assorted desserts and tea.  Cost is $5.00 per person.   Children six and under are admitted free.  Advance reservations only by May 15th.  For reservations, contact Ingrid Holmes, 937-272-1178, or the Faith office, 937-253-2156.  Bring your family and friends!

Centerville Community Chorus invites you to their spring performance on May 21 at 3:00 pm (doors open at 2:30 pm).  Food and refreshments will be provided.  The concert will be located at Epiphany Lutheran Church at 6430 Far Hills in Centerville.  Free admission with donations welcome.

Dayton Right to Life is hosting the annual Tee Up Fore Life golf outing on Monday, June 5, 2023.  Can a round of gold save lives?  Yes, when you tee up for the Dayton Right to Life.  Located at Sycamore Creek Country Club.  Register at daytonlife.org.

Eblast 5/7